
SetonthefictionalcontinentofArchanea,thestoryfollowsthetaleofMarth,princeofthekingdomofAltea,whoissentonaquesttoreclaimhisthrone ...,FireEmblem:ShadowDragonisatacticalrole-playingvideogamedevelopedbyIntelligentSystemsandpublishedbyNintendofortheNintendoDS.,FireEmblem:ShadowDragonandtheBladeofLightisthefirstgameintheFireEmblemseries,developedbyIntelligentSystemsandpublishedbyNintendo.,Thegameis...

Fire Emblem

Set on the fictional continent of Archanea, the story follows the tale of Marth, prince of the kingdom of Altea, who is sent on a quest to reclaim his throne ...

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS.

Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light is the first game in the Fire Emblem series, developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo.

Fire Emblem

The game is set on the continent Archanea and follows the story of Marth, the exiled prince of the fallen kingdom of Altea. It depicts his quest across ...

【一般向心得】 Fire Emblem

個人遊玩平台:NS 純記錄✂ 前言純碎記錄,其實也說不上什麼心得。 其實一直都很喜歡.

Fire Emblem

The First Fire Emblem game in the series. You play as Marth the prince, who sets out with his army to fight in war campaigns and defeat a dark wizard named ...

Fire Emblem

2020年12月4日 — Play through all 25 chapters of this classic Famicom tactical role-playing game that started the Fire Emblem legacy, localised* and released for ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
